Friday, October 21, 2011

Weird and Creepy, A True Story of Death Similar story in the movie Final Destination

Still reinforced in your mind about the crash of Air France plane that crashed in the Atlantic Ocean in June year 2009? This aircraft disappeared from radar 1000 KM Northeast of the island of Fernando de Noronha, Brazil. Tersebuat accident was the worst accident ever experienced by Air France. There should be an even 300 people who died, but 2 people, saved by accident.

Ever see the movie Final Destination, where there is someone who is spared from death but death has continued to pursue such a person?

Yup, that terrible incident really happened in our real life. A woman who are late to the airport for any reason, should be destined to die and fulfill the victims died became an even 300 on crash of Air France.

She is Johanna Gonthaler, Italian citizen who was vacationing with her husband in Brazil had booked tickets for the flight 447 to Paris. The couple arrived late at the airport in Rio de Janeiro on 3 May 2009 ¹ ago. Four hours after the flight to Paris, 228 people confirmed dead after a passenger plane crashed into the Atlantic ocean.

The couple then took another flight to Europe the next day and were on their way to their homes in the province of Bolzano Bozen, Italy.

This is where Johanna Gantheler met with his death. The day after the tragedy of Air France 447. His car veered into the opposite lane on a road in Kufstein, Austria, and leads to a truck that leads him.

This is purely an accident and there is no element of sabotage. But the similarities with the story of Final Destination movie is pretty terrible. Yup, sometimes the fact it does look stupid, weird, and creepy. Could this happen to you? Leave it to live and we die with Him.

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